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Avodart is a powerful medication used for the treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) in men. BPH is a condition which involves swelling of the prostate gland. The prostate gland is present in male only. The swelling of the gland causes blockage of the urethral part. As the urethra is squeezed, it disallows the normal flow of urine through it.
The prime function of Avodart is to curtail the conversion of Testosterone into Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body. The conversion needs to be avoided because production of DHT is responsible for causing the condition of Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH). Avodart is a prescription medicine and is taken only after the consultation of a qualified medical practitioner only.
The unnatural enlargement of the prostate gland can be controlled by this medication. The remedy for treatment of enlarged prostate gland is removal of the gland by means of surgical operations. Avodart in combination with other medicine called tamusolin is used to treat this problem of BPH. Thus it causes relief among men who suffer from problem of enlarged prostate.
BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) and use of Avodart over it-
BPH is a condition typically associated with the prostate gland. Prostate gland is a small gland located below the urinary bladder in men and it is known to surround the urethra. The gland is of size of a walnut and is responsible for adding prostatic fluid to the seminal discharge. Prostatic secretion play an important role in the sexual activity and fertilization process associated with it. Problems of the prostate gland are seen in men who age more than 50 years.
The condition of BPH is only found by diagnosis only. Diagnosis of BPH is done by rectal examination. BPH is non malignant in nature and does not cause any serious consequences. The only effect of BPH is only the blockage of urine in the urinary bladder. Avoadart helps to relieve the blocked urine by relieving the swelling of the prostate gland. As the gland goes normalization, it reduces in size. In BPH, the prostate gland has been enlarged and it squeezes the urethra. The consequence of this is that urine cannot pass freely through the urinary tract. This causes the urine to return back frequently into the urinary bladder and causes frequent urge of urination. Avodart is the rightful remedy over this problem of enlarged prostate.
BPH involves hyperplasia of stromal and epithelial cells of the prostate gland. The abnormal multiplication or hyperplasia is caused due to various reasons. Experts believed that BPH is caused due to increased amount of Testosterone in the blood. DHT – Dihydrotestosterone is the primary culprit behind the abnormal growth and expansion of the prostate gland. Avodart is use to cease the production of Dihyrdotestosterone. BPH is not malignant but it causes urethral infections due to urine blockage. The person is also susceptible to kidney problems and at times it may lead to serious medical consequences.
Avodart is a medication containing a potent compound dutasteride. Dutasteride is responsible to prevent the conversion of normal testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Hence, Avodart is also used for other remedies involving treatment of hair loss due to high DHT production.
Avodart Dosage and uses-
Avodart is a dual 5 alpha –reductase inhibitor as it inhibits both the isoenzymes. This leads to complete suppression of the production of Di hydro testosterone. Avodart reduces serum prostate specific antigen by almost 50% and causes reduction in the prostate volume by 25% in 2 years. Research reveals that Avodart causes relief from the symptoms of urinal retention and frequent urinary urges and removes the need of carrying out surgery.
Avodart is available in the form of capsules and should be taken in amounts as recommended by the physician. If the capsule breaks into mouth, it may cause minor irritation of lips. Avodart is not known to provide instant results. The effects of Avodart may take upto 6 months for visibility. One should not stop consumption of Avodart if necessary effects are not seen. Discontinuation of the medication should be done only by the prescription of the physician only.
At times, if one misses a dose, kindly don’t take extra dose the other day. Consumption of extra doses may lead to visibility of side effects. While one consumes Avodart, one should avoid blood donation. Donation of blood can be done only 6 months post discontinuation of medicine.
Avodart consumption increases the risk of being inflicted by prostate cancer. Only necessary medical checkups as prescribed by the Doctor should be done for diagnosis of BPH. The physician is alone able to identify whether the drug is safe for use or not
Avodart should never be taken by women or children. Pregnant women should never handle Avodart as it affects the male foetus and causes complications. If one is allergic to dutasteride, finasteride then one should never consume Avodart. Similary, if allergy to any of the alpha reductase inhibitors is found in one, then he is prohibited from consumption of the medication.
Side effects of Avodart may be caused due to excessive use of the medicine. The side effects found involve Erectile Dysfunction (ED), ejaculation problems, decreased sexual drive, gynaecomastia and decreased Libido. The side effects observed are known to wither after discontinuation of the medication. Thus, Avodart is a boon for men who suffer from prostate problems and have lost the comfort of smooth urinal discharge.