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finpecia: Men`s health
Finpecia is a powerful variant of medication available for the treatment of hair loss in men. Finpecia contains the active ingredient called Finasteride. It is acutely used for the treatment of patterned baldness in men. Apart from its treatment of Aloepecia, it is also used to treat the problem of BPH. BPH involves the condition of enlarged prostate in men and Finpecia is used to control it.
Finpecia is a prescription medication available for the treatment of BPH in men. It is a potent medication which helps to reduce the symptoms of BPH. Finpecia is specifically a product designed and developed for men only. Finpecia helps men to regain hair and thus allows hair growth over the head. Thus, Finpecia helps is relieving the discomfort caused by BPH and restores the lost hair.
BPH or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is a condition found in men only. It involves enlargement of prostate gland and is commonly found in men aging over 50 years. In BPH, the epithelial cells and the stromal cells of the prostate gland undergo rapid cell division. This is because of the production of DHT – Di Hydro Testosterone in men. DHT is produced in men by conversion of Testosterone.
In older men, the use of Testosterone in the body gets reduced. As a result, the excessive testosterone is converted into DHT. The conversion is carried in the presence of the enzyme 5 a – reductase. In BPH, the prostate gets enlarged. Prostate gland is located above the urethra. On enlargement of prostate, it blocks the urethra partially. As urethra is partially blocked, it disallows complete drainage of urine from the urinary bladder. As incomplete urinal discharge occurs, there is a frequent urge for urination. Serious consequences involve greater enlargement of prostate gland and thus may cause complete blockage of urethra. If urethra is completely blocked, then it may cause serious consequences and kidney complications.
The uncontrolled growth occurring in BPH is due to rapid cell division. It is not cancerous in nature and hence is termed as ‘Benign’. This uncontrolled cell division occurring in excessive form is known as ‘Hyperplasia’. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia occurs in men and disrupts the normal urination process. Due to stagnation of urine, BPH is also known to cause urethral infections. Hence, BPH is a serious condition. Finpecia contains Finasteride which acts over the enzyme 5 a-reductase. Finpecia acts over the enzyme and inhibits its action. As a result of this, Finpecia suppresses DHT. Once DHT is reduced, Finpecia helps to reduce the cell growth. The reduction of cell growth is caused within a span of almost 6 months. Studies reveal that 25% of reduction of the prostate gland occurs in almost 6 to 8 months.
Similarly DHT is also responsible for hair loss in men. Finpecia helps to regrow the lost hair. Studies speak that DHT dries up the scalp of the head and thus loosens the hair roots. On loosening of the hair roots, the hair can be uprooted easily and it falls. Finpecia helps to strengthen the roots of hair. Due to DHT, the scalp of the head is damaged. Finpecia causes the reduction of DHT and thus treats hair loss in men. Excessive DHT production causes the hair follicles to shrink. Finpecia promotes growth of new hair by reducing DHT conversion. It allows the hair follicles to expand and thus causes new hair growth. Hence, the problem of male baldness in treated by Finpecia. Finpecia is responsible to inhibit the same enzyme 5 a – reductase and thus promotes hair growth. When DHT is inhibited, the hair follicles which contain dermal papilla are nourished. The nourished cells compel new hair growth in men.
Finpecia is an oral medication and is available on prescription basis. The medication should be taken only after assessment of suitability to the medication. Finpecia should not be taken with any other kind of PDE-5 inhibitor. Added to it, Finpecia should never be taken with any other kind of ED medication. ED medications contain PDE – 5 inhibitors. Finpecia is also known to cause severe side effects concerning with lowering of blood pressure.
Finpecia can be consumed with or without food or beverages. However, one should always avoid Alcoholic beverage. If Finpecia tablet is broken accidentally into the mouth, it causes a strong pungent taste. Finpecia should never be consumed by women or teenagers as it is known to cause adverse side effects. Pregnant women should avoid handling Finpecia as it may cause adverse effects over the male foetus.
Finpecia like other 5 a-reductase inhibitors is known to cause side effects. The commonly known side effects of Finpecia include loss of sexual interest and libido. Other side effects of Finpecia involve Erectile Dysfunction (ED), premature ejaculation and uncertain erections. Other side effects may involve hair growth in an unnatural way. Prominent side effects of Finpecia involve testicle pain, breast pain and partial occurrence of lumps in breast. Due to reduction of Testosterone, other side effects involve nipple discharge, partial breast growth, gynecomastia, tender breast and breast pain.
Finpecia is also known to cause serious allergic reactions which include itching of skin, skin rash, swelling of tongue, throat and face, dizziness and breathlessness. Not all side effects of Finpecia are visible and mentioned. If any of the side effects are visible, kindly discontinue the prescription of Finpecia and seek medical help. Finpecia contains finasteride and is legally approved by FDA for the treatment of BPH and hair loss in men. Finpecia has been known to demonstrate good results in men aging between 18 to 54 years. For best results, kindly do not take extra dose of Finpecia.